4 Ways to Prevent Heating System Damage

December 16, 2020

A heating system requires as much care as other appliances in your Fieldale home. If you want to maximize its performance and prevent damage, you must take care of it. Here are five things you can do to prevent heating system damage. 1. Schedule a Heating System Maintenance Service It’s easy to forget to schedule maintenance services for your HVAC system. After all, why should you call a technician if your heater is working? Maintenance services can seem like a waste of money. However, there are many benefits to scheduling an appointment with a professional company. At , we offer...

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Reasons Behind Excessively High Heating Bills

November 18, 2020

Even when the cold winter weather is taken into account, you feel that your heating bill is excessively high. There may be a number of explanations for this; the following are just a few of the most common. Heating at Unnecessary Times Though the temperature does drop at night, experts say you can sleep comfortably without running the heater. All it takes is some warm clothes and heavy blankets. Also, you should not heat an unoccupied home. If you don’t own a programmable thermostat, know that this device can help you make a heating schedule of your own. You could...

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5 Upsides of Installing a Geothermal Heating System

October 20, 2020

Much of your household’s energy expenditures goes toward heating. Although geothermal heating systems have been around for decades, many homeowners are considering adopting this energy-conscious alternative. Keep reading to learn about the many benefits of geothermal heating systems. 1. They’re Better for the Environment In the United States, nearly two-thirds of all electricity is generated by fossil fuels. Although coal, previously the leading source of American electricity, has largely been replaced by natural gas, fossil fuels aren’t good for the environment. Geothermal heating systems absorb radiant heat from the sun, a fully-renewable energy source. They also don’t pump out any...

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Going Ductless? What You Should Know

September 24, 2020

You may be considering a ductless air conditioning system, or mini-split system, for your home. Perhaps you added a room and need cooling for it, or perhaps there’s an outbuilding, such as a garage or shed, that your central AC naturally cannot reach. Below are some of the advantages of mini-splits in addition to one of the concerns that potential buyers may have. Easy to Install Mini-splits are composed of two units: the indoor air handler and the outdoor condenser. Between them is a conduit with the condensate drain line, refrigerant line, and all the necessary electrical wires. This conduit...

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How To Care For Your Lawn Around an Outdoor AC Unit

August 11, 2020

You need to be aware of where your outdoor AC unit is when you’re mowing the lawn near it. Failure to do so can result in an expensive repair job. Here’s what you need to know about taking care of the lawn around your cooling system. Discharge Mulch Away From the AC Unit You need to be careful when mowing, as your lawn mower can easily throw dirt and mulch into your AC unit. This can especially happen when the air conditioner is being used, during which time it sucks in air. Point the lawn mower’s discharge away from your...

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5 COOL Facts About Air Conditioning

July 15, 2020

Air conditioning is a necessity to keep you cool and comfortable during the hot summer months. Keeping your AC unit well-maintained throughout the year is essential in allowing it to work great while also improving energy efficiency for your home. Reaching out to an HVAC professional is always a good idea if you notice any problems because staying proactive can help to extend the lifespan of your system. Here are five little-known but very cool facts about air conditioning! 1. Air Conditioning Reduces Allergies Air conditioning reduces allergy problems for countless people each year. An air conditioner provides clean and...

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Are Humidifiers Good For Your Health

June 8, 2020

A humidifier is a device that adds moisture to the air. They are often used in the winter when dry air causes negative issues for people. Here are the ways a humidifier can be beneficial to your health. Effects of Dry Air on Your Skin Dry air can cause you to have dry skin. Dry skin can crack and wrinkle, which tends to be very uncomfortable. Lotion and lip balm can help but, to address the source of the problem, you need a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home. Your skin will absorb the moisture and...

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How to Reduce AC Power Consumption

May 13, 2020

Was your AC’s power consumption a bit too high last summer? This may have been because the air conditioner was in need of an air filter change or professional maintenance. Staying on top of these tasks prevents your AC from consuming too much power. Other ways you can save money on your monthly energy bills are using a programmable thermostat and improving your home’s insulation. Install a Programmable Thermostat You can greatly reduce your AC’s power consumption by programming the thermostat to adjust a few degrees higher when no one is at home. If you’re not able to get a...

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Five Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

April 16, 2020

Whether you have a central air conditioning system or a ductless unit, you must prioritize AC maintenance. With the following tips, you can help to take care of your air conditioner even if you’re not an experienced technician. 1. Clean the Condenser Twigs and grime can cause damage that will hinder the cooling process, so remove debris and crud off of the unit. Give the outdoor condenser a good cleaning with a soft brush, a vacuum, and a regular garden hose. Also, take the time to realign any bent fins. 2. Change the Filter A clogged filter is less effective,...

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What Does HVAC Mean?

March 17, 2020

HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. Most homes and businesses have an HVAC system. There are a number of different HVAC components in use today, including furnaces, air conditioners, heat pumps, and ductless units. Here’s an overview of these systems. How HVAC Works Your home might have separate components for heating and cooling, such as a furnace and an air conditioner. Some houses have heat pumps that can both heat and cool the home. It’s usually the case that even with separate components, there is a single blower that circulates air around your residence. Heated or cooled air...

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