Tips for Getting Your Home Winter Ready

Make no mistake. The winter is fast approaching bringing rain, snow, sleet, and the dreaded wintry mix to the Fieldale area. Wind chills can plummet below zero, and you will need a warm place. The one place you can count on feeling warm and cozy is within your own home. To ensure your home is ready for winter, you must act now. There are several things you can do to ensure your home will be a haven from freezing temperatures.
Have Your Heating System Checked
On the list on how to prepare for winter, having your heating system checked should be number one. When the weather turns cold is not the time to find out about a potential heating system problem. Instead, before the temperature drops, call McKinney Heating & Air Conditioning and one of our seasoned technicians will clean and tune-up your furnace. Either gas or electric, this service will help your system run more efficiently in the winter months.
It’s always a smart and safe idea to change the batteries in your smoke detectors at least annually, and there is no better time than before the start of winter. Also, don’t forget about those all-important carbon monoxide detectors. They are sometimes so silent we forget about them, but it is imperative that you change the batteries and perform a test, if possible, ahead of turning on your gas furnace again. Keep in mind that carbon monoxide is odorless, colorless, and potentially deadly, so a smooth-running detector is critical to helping ensure winter safety.
Vents and Filters
Before winter erupts, open all your air vents. Always remember to remove any furniture, boxes, or clutter that may obstruct air flowing from the vents. Of course, keep the area around the furnace clean and free of any clutter. Always replace the air filter in your furnace each month. If possible, upgrade the filter from the old standard flat filter to the new and better-designed pleated filters. Understand that electrostatic filters can increase the energy efficiency of your furnace markedly.
Contact Us
McKinney Heating & Air Conditioning has locations in Fieldale, Rocky Mount, Danville, and Stuart. We have over 40 years of experience and our skilled technicians can work on all types of heating systems. We can also service gas fireplaces, water heaters, and generators. Contact us today and schedule an appointment to get your home winter ready.